[problem] Can't connect FTP with CMD

Web File Manager has no problem.
but FTP by using CMD has problem!

just like above image, I can connect to my server. and can change my directory.

but “dir”, “ls”, … , “put” … all of commands didn’t work…
only “pwd”, “cd” work.

Trying to use some command(like ‘ls’), it says “Connecting to port ~~~~” FOREVER.

How can I solve this problem?

(My Website Setting, FTP Transfer is ON)

I don’t want to use other FTP Programs… I want to use just CMD!!

@Sejun “dir”, “ls” , “put” commands are working fine on my side.

Try again…

Maybe I have another problem.
for example, a fire wall? or something else.

thank you for your reply. :slight_smile: