Problem uploading files with Filezilla

I am trying to upload some Wordpress themes with Filezilla and I have this problem. Some times, after it uploads some files, it fails uploading more.

Today for example, after uploading half of the files for a theme I started to see these messages:
(also tried to upload another theme)

Command: PASV
Response: 552 Quota exceeded: [query-3col.png] won’t be saved
Error: Critical file transfer error
Status: Starting upload of C:\Documents and Settings\KlajdiΤα έγγραφά μου\WP-Update\basic\images\layout-icons\query-4col.png
Command: PASV
Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (31,170,160,162,52,191)
Command: STOR query-4col-sidebar.png
Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (31,170,160,162,169,127)
Command: STOR query-4col.png
Response: 552 Quota exceeded: [query-4col-sidebar.png] won’t be saved
Error: Critical file transfer error
Status: Starting upload of C:\Documents and Settings\KlajdiΤα έγγραφά μου\WP-Update\basic\images\layout-icons\single-default.png
Command: PASV
Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (31,170,160,162,130,60)
Command: STOR single-content-only.png
Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (31,170,160,162,114,71)
Command: STOR single-default.png
Response: 552 Quota exceeded: [single-content-only.png] won’t be saved
Error: Critical file transfer error
Status: Starting upload of C:\Documents and Settings\KlajdiΤα έγγραφά μου\WP-Update\basic\skins\black\style.css
Response: 550 Can’t change directory to /public_html/wp-content/themes/basic/skins/black: No such file or directory
Command: CWD /public_html/wp-content/themes/basic/skins
Response: 550 Can’t change directory to /public_html/wp-content/themes/basic/skins: No such file or directory
Command: CWD /public_html/wp-content/themes/basic
Response: 250 OK. Current directory is /public_html/wp-content/themes/basic
Command: MKD skins
Response: 552-Quota exceeded: [skins] won’t be saved
Response: 552-10000 files used (100%) - authorized: 10000 files
Response: 552 119989 Kbytes used (7%) - authorized: 1536000 Kb
Command: MKD /public_html/wp-content/themes/basic/skins/black
Response: 552-Quota exceeded: [/public_html/wp-content/themes/basic/skins/black] won’t be saved
Response: 552-10000 files used (100%) - authorized: 10000 files
Response: 552 119989 Kbytes used (7%) - authorized: 1536000 Kb
Command: CWD /public_html/wp-content/themes/basic/skins/black
Response: 550 Can’t change directory to /public_html/wp-content/themes/basic/skins/black: No such file or directory
Command: SIZE /public_html/wp-content/themes/basic/skins/black/screenshot.png
Command: CWD /public_html/wp-content/themes/basic/skins/black
Response: 550 Can’t check for file existence
Command: PASV
Response: 550 Can’t change directory to /public_html/wp-content/themes/basic/skins/black: No such file or directory
Command: SIZE /public_html/wp-content/themes/basic/skins/black/style.css
Response: 550 Can’t check for file existence
Command: TYPE A
Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (31,170,160,162,240,18)
Command: STOR /public_html/wp-content/themes/basic/skins/black/screenshot.png
Response: 200 TYPE is now ASCII
Command: PASV
Response: 553 Can’t open that file: No such file or directory
Error: Critical file transfer error
Status: Starting upload of C:\Documents and Settings\KlajdiΤα έγγραφά Status: Starting upload of C:\Documents and Settings\KlajdiΤα έγγραφά μου\WP-Update\basic\skins\full-wrap\style.css
Response: 550 Can’t change directory to /public_html/wp-content/themes/basic/skins: No such file or directory
Command: CWD /public_html/wp-content/themes/basic
Response: 250 OK. Current directory is /public_html/wp-content/themes/basic
Command: MKD skins
Response: 552-Quota exceeded: [skins] won’t be saved
Response: 552-10000 files used (100%) - authorized: 10000 files
Response: 552 119989 Kbytes used (7%) - authorized: 1536000 Kb
Command: MKD /public_html/wp-content/themes/basic/skins/full-wrap
Response: 552-Quota exceeded: [/public_html/wp-content/themes/basic/skins/full-wrap] won’t be saved
Response: 552-10000 files used (100%) - authorized: 10000 files
Response: 552 119989 Kbytes used (7%) - authorized: 1536000 Kb
Command: CWD /public_html/wp-content/themes/basic/skins/full-wrap
Response: 550 Can’t change directory to /public_html/wp-content/themes/basic/skins/full-wrap: No such file or directory
Command: SIZE /public_html/wp-content/themes/basic/skins/full-wrap/screenshot.png
Command: CWD /public_html/wp-content/themes/basic/skins/full-wrap
Response: 550 Can’t check for file existence
Command: PASV
Response: 550 Can’t change directory to /public_html/wp-content/themes/basic/skins/full-wrap: No such file or directory
Command: SIZE /public_html/wp-content/themes/basic/skins/full-wrap/style.css
Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (31,170,160,162,237,56)
Command: STOR /public_html/wp-content/themes/basic/skins/full-wrap/screenshot.png
Response: 550 Can’t check for file existence
Command: PASV
Response: 553 Can’t open that file: No such file or directory
Error: Critical file transfer error
Status: Starting upload of C:\Documents and Settings\KlajdiΤα έγγραφά μου\WP-Update\basic\skins\full-wrap-black\screenshot.png
Command: CWD /public_html/wp-content/themes/basic/skins/full-wrap-black
Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (31,170,160,162,4,117)
Command: STOR /public_html/wp-content/themes/basic/skins/full-wrap/style.css
Error: File transfer aborted by user
Error: File transfer aborted by user
Response: 553 Can’t open that file: No such file or directory
Response: 550 Can’t change directory to /public_html/wp-content/themes/basic/skins/full-wrap-black: No such file or directory

What is:
552 Quota exceeded
550 Can’t change directory
553 Can’t open that file: No such file or directory

On Disk Usage I can see that I have used only 152 of 1500.0 MB

(The File Attributes for Themes directory are 755)

Any ideas what is wrong?

Response: 552-Quota exceeded: [skins] won’t be saved
Response: 552-10000 files used (100%) - authorized: 10000 files

There’s a limit of 10,000 files. Looks like you’re over that limit and will have to delete some files to add some more.

553 Can’t open that file: No such file or directory

That means that the file cant be handeled with the filezilla uploader…
I think you should try another uploader with that file(s)…

~ Jonathan