Problema con pasaje de mi sitio a 000webhost

Buen día a todos,
Realice el sitio en mi pc local con xamp, lo pase a 000webhost, y no me toma el parametro localhost. No puedo ver en donde esta el error como tampoco el nombre del servidor en donde esta alojada la nueva bd dentro de 000webhost, ¿me podrian guiar?
Desde ya muchas gracias

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Can you translate please?

Hello Friends,
I made my website on my local pc with xamp, pass it to 000webhost, and it doesn’t take the localhost parameter.
I can not see where the error is, such as can’t see the name of the server where the new BD is located inside 000webhost, could you guide me?
Thanks in advance, and please excuse my english.

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We use localhost as the server hostname.
When you create your database on our hosting you need to use the id123456_username and database name which is generated in your scripts.
If you link me to the configuration file I can check the values for you.

Moved over to Error con bd en wordpress de webhost