Re setup the website and email account

Hi 000Webhost,
I use your service around 3 years and now system said, "Since May 1, 2017 your website should be switched to new members area.
If you still need your website follow instructions below."
I totally lose everything included my website and email account.
Is there any buddy can help me about that?

Thanks a lot!

  1. Please verify the email address you used to login to these forums in the new cPanel:

  2. PM me your old cPanel email adress.

  3. Please post the website URL.

Great speed to get reply.

I really appreciate 000webhost service!

Have you resolved your issues? :slight_smile:

Seems the website problem was resolved as I use my domain as a subdomain.
however is there anyone knows how to set up the email address from the new system?

Personal experience, I am so glad to have 000webhost.

Best regards,

@nlk Email is not anymore available on the new panel.
But Instead…you can use Email Forwarding available on the new panel.

I was wondering if anyone can help me about the email setting.
how can i use my domain email to send out and receive email? I bought the domain from godaddy and now hosting in 000webhost.

Thanks in advance!

Yes you can hit MX record and use another service like Zoho.
Else you can use free email forwarding…

  1. (assuming your domain is parked) For email forwarding, you can go to cPanel > Manage Email > Create
  2. For sending emails you can use mail() function provided by PHP.


$to = "";
$subject = "My subject";
$txt = "Hello world!";
$headers = "From:" . "\r\n" .

mail($to, $subject, $txt, $headers);


Save this as mail.php in /public_html.

Replace $to, $subject and $txt with the receiver, the subject and the message.

Now access http://your_site/mail.php

Voila! Check your e-mail inbox :wink:

If using email forwarding

if we join the business plan, does the plan included email service?

Of course! :smiley: