Recuperar sitio

¡Hola! Necesito recuperar un sitio porque me pone que “ha sido borrado”. es muy importante, ahí tenía artículos publicados para mi portfolio y lo necesito para encontrar trbajo.

Good day!

When was the last time you have accessed your website?

“Website is no longer available. The authors have deleted this site” ¿Cómo lo soluciono?
Mi página web es Éticamente https:// eticamente. 000webhostapp. com/ es importante por un tema de trabajo

One month more or less.

What is the email address of your 000webhost Account?

Your website has been suspended on 2019-09-08 because it was reported as an advertising line for fraudulent online pharmacies. 000webhost surely sent you an email about that.

Unfortunately, because of account inactivity since a week, the suspended website has been removed and there is no way we can bring it back, nor its content.

I have this problem in other sites. How solve it? because this is spam involuntarie

List the other sites affected and we can remove the suspension and allow you to remove the bad files.