SITE NOT WORKING #AMXBANS new folder not opening

On my site I added a new folder AMXBans but it’s not opening and giving 404 not found

The main link is working but not the amxbans
Please admins check into this

In the new folder I installed AMXBans

Make sure you’ve content in the “amxbans” directory.
If you’ve have …can you screenshot and post it.

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As above screenshots please.

To install AMXBans, you must buy a website. Free website does not include remote mysql connections ( Remote MYSQL Connection is: this is like a firewall, You will add your IP in that area, which will allow connection between your website and your HL1 Server (Counter-Strike 1.6, Etc…) [/Quote]

Not sure if this relates to your script but 000webhost doesn’t provide remotemysql freely. Premium does though.