Site will not load


My website ( has been inaccessible for around a week now. Is this related to the ongoing problem with your platform, or is there something specific with my site? For info I am getting a ‘connection has timed out’ error.

Hey not sure why you ca’t access it - working fine here over various locations.

Thanks. I’ve spoken to my ISP and they have advised the error means an issue on the host side so looks like I’m stuck.

Weird I’m with Sky and face no problems loading the site.

I use CloudFlare DNS in place of Sky though, I run ESET antivirus, I’ve got and 000webhostapp whitelisted just in case, but never face issues normally.

I’ve got the shield turned off not sure if that’ll help

You can try

  1. Use a different browser / clear existing browser cache data
  2. Use alternative DNS to ensure this isn’t an issue with bad DNS from your standard ISP / being blocked by your ISP as a lot of providers now block 000webhost sadly (using alternative DNS like will resolve this currently - Use To Resolve Your Website Quicker )
  3. Disable your computer firewall and antivirus temporarily - if this allows access then we can work to add an exception on your firewall/antivirus quite easily normally depending on your software.
  4. Use a VPN such as - if this allows access then there is a blockage on your computer, local network or ISP along the way and we can only advise trying alternative DNS/contacting your network administrator.

Thanks - the solution worked which I guess means it was a DNS issue. No idea what this actually means, but thanks for helping!

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