Sql insert does not working

Hi, sorry for my english
i’m teacher and try to resolve a problem for my students.
A sql insert does not work from the website to mysql although it works inside phpmyadmin.
no error message and only 4 php lines.
the sql connection does not return error
the insert sql does not work. (it does not work whith mysqli_query)
thanks for your help because i don’t understang what is wrong although it works on wamp.

$link = mysqli_connect(“localhost”, “", "”);

$req=‘INSERT INTO Arbitre VALUES (100,“a”,“b”,“c”);’;
$result = $link->query($req);

I need help to understand what is wrong

Hey there :smile:
You’ll need to specify which rows you’re inserting

INSERT INTO `table` (`column1`, `column2`, `column3`) VALUES('1', 'ab', 'ef');

Though we recommend using prepared statements instead of the normal, insecure, mysqli function

Ok thanks,
you’re right. i used prepared statements and it works.