STMP / Email Forwarder Issue [Resolved]

So basically, i have a email forwarder, set to forward emails from to | And it doesn’t forward any messages sent. Then i try to set up STMP server so i can send email’s as and it says it sent me a verifcation code to my email that i never received. I have tried to remove the forwarder and remake it, doesn’t work.

I’m not using Zoho mail tough, i am using google / gmail…?

The email forwarding on 000webhost works fine with certain providers, but obviously gmail isn’t wanting to accept your forwarded emails.
So best to use a dedicated email host.

That would be fine, if i haven’t used this method before, and still use it on another site. I have another email for another site with 000 webhost using email forwarder to the same email and it still works, along with sending email’s

would waiting a cupple of hours and trying again be a valuable option?

Yeah that is all we can advise, I just tested my forwarder and it is working fine.

One more thing before i just play the waiting game, i have a screenshot of what my gmail STMP looks like, maybe you can see something wrong idk, they are both the same just different email’s Capture

@Infinity After a cupple of hours, google emailed me a error message

Message not delivered
There was a problem delivering your message to See the technical details below, or try resending in a few minutes.
The response from the remote server was:
530 5.5.1 Authentication Required. Learn more at 30-v6sm1050596ljw.48 - gsmtp

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Working Email
Date: Sat, 13 Oct 2018 14:48:46 -0400
Subject: asdasasd

Yeah I got the same kind of thing from one I set up for you.

Error Icon
Message not delivered
There was a problem delivering your message to See the technical details below.
The response from the remote server was:
530 5.5.1 Authentication Required. Learn more at b71-v6sm1366440ywa.48 - gsmtp

So do you have a fix, or know the issue?

No it will be Google’s side of things, they’ve provided a URL for you…

000webhost only provides free forwarding, if it doesn’t work use Zoho.

Well, thanks for the help. But it just started working… not sure what the ■■■■ was going on, but thanks man!

if you can close this thread

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