Storage path on laravel project

So, I have a code that create folder, csv, images inside storage folder in my Laravel project. It doesn’t work when I deploy it to 000webhost.

File::makeDirectory($path); //create directory

fputcsv($file, $headers, ";", '"'); //create csv

Storage::disk('local')->put('charts/'.$nama_survei.'/'.$image[0].'/'.$imageName, base64_decode($image[1])); //make png images

Laravel isn’t officially supported on the free platform due to certain features that Laravel requires being disabled on the free plan, putenv, getenv, setenv etc.

You can upgrade to premium where the features are enabled and working or you can mess around with it in the hopes it works.

There is a tutorial that might help

Teodor might be of more assistance :slight_smile:

When you login if you hover and see Details

That’ll give you a home path if needed.