The Denic doesn't accept your name servers

Nameservers for .de Domain not accepted:

"The Denic doesn’t accept your name servers. Please visit this website:

and please forward this url to your current web hosting provider."

Where do you see that error?

What domain are you trying to park with 000webhost?

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When I set the new nameservers for this .de Domain, it says it takes up to 24 hours (Provider).

But after some hours email from the provider: here is the full text:

The Denic doesn’t accept your name servers. Please visit this website:

(link see above)

and please forward this url to your current web hosting provider.

task: 0102 status: E0102 error: 53300102912 owner_context: 4 period: 1 status: Nameserver Error

Nameserver error
ERROR: 116 SOA record response must be authoritative (resolver, answer)
(UDP, PROTOCOL_EXPLICITLY_CHOSEN, Timeout: 3s, Retry: 1 x 0s, unsecure,
(UDP, PROTOCOL_EXPLICITLY_CHOSEN, Timeout: 3s, Retry: 1 x 0s, unsecure,
ignoreTC): )

Nameserver error
ERROR: 116 SOA record response must be authoritative (resolver, answer)
(UDP, PROTOCOL_EXPLICITLY_CHOSEN, Timeout: 3s, Retry: 1 x 0s, unsecure,
(UDP, PROTOCOL_EXPLICITLY_CHOSEN, Timeout: 3s, Retry: 1 x 0s, unsecure,
ignoreTC): )
Extra-Message: [DNS01][E] Unable to resolve: REFUSED

[DNS][E] Missing record or other error; unable to verify SOA records
[DNS][E] Unable to resolve - REFUSED
[DNS][E] Unable to resolve - REFUSED
53300102958Preformatted text

I’ve just forwarded your issue to our developers

Could be similar issue?

Our hosts won’t let us add a domain to our account, until the domain is pointing to it’s name servers - for security mostly.
But denic won’t let you point a domain to your account, until it’s setup to accept it…

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So what domain is it please?

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One of it is:

So you are logging into 000webhost and set web address, then park domain option and using against what URL?

This one:

BTW: I had this trouble some years ago at the former hoster.
It was said: "Many of the foreign providers do not know the rules of the DENIC: the update was refused because no “zone files” were made.

Later the hoster answered:
“add the domain to cPanel for the DNS Zones to be created”.

The hoster did not explain what was changed, - but suddenly, then it worked.

Hmm so when trying to set nameservers at the registrar now do you get the same error?

Is business related?

" Nameserver Update is started. DNS Update take between 24 and 48 hours to propagate. "

I 'll let you know about the results of the registrar.

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Fingers crossed! :sweat_smile: