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Я по ошибке, не разобравшись, куда писать насчет помощи видимо отправил сообщение с жалобой на свой собственный сайт(
Вопрос был в том что не могу загрузить свои фото на сайт (создал отдельную тему с этим вопросом)

Hi !

What is your website about?

Не могу загрузить свои фото.

Что делаю не так?

Через файл менеджер фото сначала загружается, а потом исчезает

Google translate -

"Good afternoon.

The site is not yet ready. Website for veterinary clinic"

I apologize for late reply. I have unsuspended your account.

Also, hit on “Add new” to upload a new picture


Thank you.
“Add new” - this also does not work. The upload process is visible, but the image does not load

They do load on my end.

:thinking: Please clear your browser cache and try loading Website Builder again…

If you’re trying to upload the pictures in a specific folder, maybe Website Builder does not recognize them because you are using non-ASCII characters as folder name. (example: Russian characters). Please name your folders using standard A-Z characters and try again.

The name of the folder with the photo was indeed in Russian. Renamed and the photo was downloaded. But one clarification - the first failed attempts were in the Safari, but in the Chrome download works correctly and with the name of the folder in Russian.
Thank you

Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention. I personally don’t guarantee full support of non-ASCII characters. Some of them can cause the software to bug out; we have experiencing such situations in the past.

I will forward this issue to our developers. Meanwhile please refrain from using non-ASCII characters. :slight_smile:

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