Trouble with restore backup from zyro

My website is delete because i have no visit, now i already create a new regist, but my problem now is, how i restore my backup to the new zyro?

If you try and launch the old builder and use the import option?

I think is that, because when i open the zyro, theres is no options to edition

Oh so the old Zyro is being retired soon so if you have opened a new account it likely may mean you only get to use the new Zyro.

Does that just load the new one?

And the new one don´t give the rith to import a backup?
it´s a chame, because i have the file with the backup and that way i have to make all new

Do you still have access to your previous account?

No, the acount is delete for some reason.

Ah yeah inactivity deletion possibly if you’ve not logged in regularly enough to keep it active.
I will post a ticket to developer to ask if there is a way but I would think they would want people to be using the new Zyro and that an import may be hard as the software has been re-written.
ETA: unsure hopefully a response at least this week but if not I’ll let you know when the response comes.

thanks, i ill wait for a solution :slightly_smiling_face:

I regret to inform you the developers have replied and the old builder won’t be making a return sadly.
The new software won’t be able to import it either.

I can only apologize.

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