Un error interno ha ocurrido. Nuestros desarrolladores ya han sido notificados

I try to create a web site but always i get this error.
Somebody know what’s the problem?
This errore accurid when i write the name and press create button.
If i try to create again i get message the site is existe.Thanks

Any screenshots. :grinning::grinning::grinning::grinning:

thanks for your quick response .

There is nothing to show, I only try to create a website but this error appears and then I try to create again but i get a message “this website already exists”.Thank you!
here is the screenshot

Try using another name :slight_smile:

I have used about 15 differents unic names bit nothin.5 minutes ago i have tried again and it work but all name i have used before now i can not use because i get the message "this name of web site already existe.
But i have ceate this name!Where they are?in my sites i can see nothin, just site i created now. can i delete and try again ?so i spend about 15 good names(((

Names that say it already exists cannot be registered and won’t be freed up.

It doesn’t matter if your site is
necodesarrollo777.000webhostapp.com or

Free hosting for testing and student learning most don’t care for domains, if you really want you can park a premium domain from Hostinger like necodesarrollo.com etc

I know I can not use a name that already exists!

the problem is that when I write the name that does not exist yet everything is fine,
but then that error comes out and when I come back to try it tells me that that name already exists.
it seems that the name that I wrote is registered by me, but the web page is not created and then I can no longer use this name and i have to use an other name??
I can not understand why?
Yes i will pay premium but the first think i need this is understand how it work!

There may just be something about what you typed the system didn’t like sorry.
Don’t upgrade if you don’t need to, Hostinger doesn’t offer app names like 000webhost does you need a proper domain to use their services.

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Ok,thank you for your answers!
Yes i think i typed some think the system do not like(
I will need domain name so i am going to upgrade
I don’t know how can i close this question?
I need to accept your answer or it’s close automatic?

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I can close, feel free to open a new thread if you have any more issues.