Unavailable website

Hello everyone,
I’ve tried to acces my website at following url : https://portfolio-emmazoppi.000webhostapp.com/
The browser shows blank page, no error.
I’ve checked by online FTP, all files are still present.
This was a wordpress website uploaded during June 2019.
The website was still available this summer.
Since that date I never came to see it alive. (It’s a student website, I’m learning html/css and web design)
Anyone could help me with this, I don’t know what to do…
(Database is this running, all the files seem to be in place)
Thank you in advance.

Hi there @emmazop
I restored the default .htaccess and generated a new wp-config.php file for you :slight_smile:
Please check now!

Read this for future issues :slight_smile:

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