Variable 'sql_mode' can't be set to the value

Por fa ayuda, tengo creado un proyecto en con el Codeigniter 3, pero me sale este error de un tiempo para el otro y no logro solucionar, creo q es por la BD de MySql.

Are you using MySQLi driver?

I had same isue here, and yes iam using MySQLi driver in my CodeIgniter. What should i do sir ?

I had same isue here, please help

For your help, I have created a project on with Codeigniter 3, but I get this error from one time to the next and I can’t solve it


Good day everyone!

In what exact circumstances are you experiencing this issue?

retrieve data from the database, I use codeigniter

problem solved, configure in config/database.php and change ‘stricton’ value to TRUE


Thank you for sharing it with us :blush:

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