Web site arquived email

My site is ticoteco.000webhostapp.com and i received email two hours ago that my website was archived. where he told me not to worry that I had the option in the panel control to restore it but the panel control disappeared and it is almost impossible to be archived due to lack of traffic

Hi there, as far as my checks reveal that account in total was removed and deleted for user inactivity which in turn deleted all websites under it.

Users must remain active to continue on the free learning platform.

Users who don’t login regularly to the 000webhost control panel to confirm active learner status are deleted automatically per inactive user policy.

Users are responsible for regular backups as agreed upon signup and the terms of service state we do not accept responsibility for data loss, any loss of files would be the fault of the user for not regularly backing up as required.

You can create a brand new account using a reputable email address provider and create a new 000webhostapp URL with alternative naming as deleted subdomains are blacklisted by policy and cannot be reused.

Upgrading will not bring any data back and it will not allow you to use the same 000webhostapp URL.

Ensure to take future regular backups along with remaining active on the 000webhost control panel to avoid inactivity deletion.

Further information to backing up your website / data can be found on the community forum.

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