Website archived!

Hi, since 8 months ago, i created a simple php file and now i want to download it but the state of the site is archived. when I press the “Restore” button it show me a modal box telling me tah the Website will be restored soon…, thats was 24 hours ago.
I want to recover my files.

And the URL is what ?

It is likely there is no data which is why it is not restoring it is likely been deleted for inactivity

my site was active all the time.(My 000webhostAPP name is: bshkola1)
Why was my account deleted?
can I somehow download the archive of my site?!

I can see that website and account was deleted due to user inactivity.
Free service users must log in to the panel once a month to avoid deletions

The name of the website is “correitolindo”, sorry i don´t remember the URL

Sorry, this website is deleted for user inactivity there was no data available to restore.
Feel free to create a new site using alternative naming.
Remember to login once per month to avoid inactivity deletions.

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