Website cannot send emails

My website has recently stopped sending emails despite the code being untouched for the past few weeks. Does anyone know what could be causing this?

Can you check your statistics?
Maybe you’ve reached 100%

Looks ok to me :frowning: Honestly can’t think what ive done wrong :S

Is sendmail turned on in general?

Yes. The emails were sending before but now they either won’t send or blank emails are sent.

Does the if(mail()) shows a sent result upon sending?

I have the same exact problem. Seems like a common issue. My thread is this and i have the same symptoms except that no mail is ever sent. The mail function gives success result but no mail is eventually delivered. This is effecting some accounts and not all as some moderators tested their account and it worked on theirs.

Maybe this problem is associated with verification emails not sending.
Your email is queued up to be sent, then silently discarded.

hush hush :laughing:

What did you say? :confused:

Oh “hush hush” was meant to trivialize the “then silently discarded”

Oh okay :sweat_smile:

Any update to this as emails are still being discarded silently

Try creating another account, with some chance you’ll be on another server :slight_smile:

Try out a SMTP script, register an email account which providers SMTP address and set it up and emails are sent via the third party service which is sometimes a way around.

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