Website is no longer available help

I have my website this
But I deleted my account and my domain website is displaying Website is no longer available even I create a new 000webhost account i connect to it and connect to cloudflare still displaying Website is no longer available how can I fix it?

You need to update it on cloudflare to use the new cname and point on our panel correctly

Hello. I want to re-install the site with the same domain Since I have a license script tied to this domain.
But it does not work, because it writes that the name is occupied, although I deleted the site. Is there anything you can do to free up the php-prowallet name ??

Sadly once it has been deleted it cannot be reused

that website the longray000webhost that account I hosted on I deleted it I tried to update it on cloudflare the normal http work but when it come to https it display that


As the domain is not parked within our control panel.

Any page you see will likely be cached, empty your browser data/cache.

If you want to use the domain with 000webhost, add it to your control panel.

I pointed my 000webhost to Cloudlfare but it still give the Website is no longer available do I need to wait for it to work? I checked my CNAME already all right

Seems to be good here?

Just need to make the Clouds Orange on CloudFlare I think now :slight_smile:

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