Website not displaying content from my other website

I am unable to display an image from my website (edurga. 000webhostapp. com) to my other website (arun0222 .000webhostapp. com), while it displays the image from browser cache.

Hit CTRL F5 to force refresh

Thank you for your quick response.

The image is available when I first visit the website that hosts the image and then access the other website that needs it, while I loose it on pressing ctrl + f5, thereafter requiring me to visit the image with the host website again, before I can access it on the other website.

Therefore I mention that the image is accessible by browser cache

Can you link to the specific images?

Are you using cloudflare or anything that might have hot link or image protection

Using cloudflare.

Can you please help me with steps to check if hot link or image protection is on

Thank you. Got that, will try and report back soon

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Hearty thanks to all. Got that through

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