Website not pointing to correct database

I built a website and had it mostly complete, but I started getting getting a database connection error and kept having to reinstall WordPress. Now I’m able to get into the dashboard, but all the pages I built, plugins I installed, images I uploaded, etc. aren’t there, yet when I go to File Manager I can see all the files that I added. I tried editing my wp-config file to point to the right database but I kept getting too many redirects so it wouldn’t load the site. Then I checked my .htaccess file and it had nothing but begin and end WordPress. Please, somebody help me! I put too many hours into this for a some friends who play in a band and can’t afford to pay for hosting let alone pay me for building the site.

Did you re-install WordPress?
If you did so, I’m sad to say, but your changes are probably gone forever.

You don’t have to reinstall and you should not when that page appears.

I’ll attempt to restore your previous database providing you’ve not overwritten it if you’ve reinstalled a few times.

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I’ve reinstalled once, but I appreciate you giving it a try. I’ll know better now, but I believe the long term solution is to upgrade to Hostinger, these limitations are frustrating when you’re trying to get things done.

I was going to follow this up now I’m on a better device but it seems your site is already… better?