What does the < sign mean in query

Hey guys!

This is the first time that I have come across the following query:

$sql = “SELECT * FROM users WHERE admin < “.$admin[‘admin’].”+1”;

What is the meaning of the + 1 and < then sign? thanks!


SQL queries accept mathematical expressions.

< means less than

+ increments the value from left by the value from right.

Thanks for the reply but I am still confused. as to what to expect from that query?

It basically selects all rows from users where users.admin is less than $admin['admin']+1. I assume $admin['admin'] is a number.

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Yup! $admin[‘admin’] is either a 1 or 0, 1 being an admin and 0 being not an admin… I am still not sure what it is selecting here… still sounds a bit confusing… why can’t I just select $admin[‘admin’] == 1?

You asked for what that query does. What it is used for inside app I don’t know … :slight_smile:

I will post the video here and I hope that someone can tell me what it does… I just hope that my codes are correct: