When you pass files to FTP, it is not updating existing ones

I am having problems with FTP, when I update my files on my machine and I use FTP to update content that is already online, but it does not update.

It does not mention any FTP error, it’s full transfer, it just does not update the contents of it with what I sent.

I even deleted the file from it using FTP and realized that it was still online after a few minutes, I sent the most current file again, but still continued with the old version.

So the file uploads, but what you see is the same?
Tried clearing your cache?

What was happening was that I uploaded my updated file via FTP and on my site was still showing up the old version.

It is now working with the current version I had submitted, but it took a long time for the current version I submitted to be displayed.

I hope this does not happen anymore, because it is bad to send your file and on your site still appear the old version of it.

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Sounds like a local cache issue to be honest, each time you overwrite a file head to it in the browser and hit CTRL + F5 several times and eventually your browser will notice the new version available.

Else; delete previous file, CTRL + F5 until file not found error, upload new file; again CTRL + F5 - boom new file appears.