Wordpress(Error establishing a database connection)

hello,so a few days i forgot my loging pass word for my wordpress site,it had the original user name and pass word since the installation and i never changed it,so i read an artical on the web telling me that i can change the password via the database in the wp_users table since it was accesible. i changed it to 81dc9bdb52d04dc20036dbd8313ed055 cause it stated that this could be decrepted to 1234.since then i have been geting the error.i have tried changing the database login password and chaked the wp-config file,they mached correctly, i dont know how to get rid of the error,can anyone help me?


  1. Login to your 000webhost account.
  2. Go to “Manage Database” >> “Manage” >> “Change Password” and change the password.
  3. Now log in to your file manager, and update the same password in the “wp-config.php”.

This will solve your issue. :slight_smile:

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