I can't install WordPress! - Installation Failed

WordPress installation system is currently under temporary maintenance. The process will be over soon. Please clear your browser cache and try again later.

We are sorry for inconvenience :sweat:


“Yikes, Wordpress installation just hit the bump & is under maintenance in the moment…” does this mean its actually down?


If you are receiving that error when attempting to install Wordpress from 000webhost cPanel > Website builder, it means that parts of Wordpress installation system are temporarily under maintenance.

Please clear your browser cache and try installing Wordpress later. We are sorry for inconvenience :sweat:

ok i will try that. Thanks for that idea. I will keep you updated

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Eu estou tentando criar um site no servidor de voces mas nao consigo conectar a conta do wordpress no servidor de voces

esta dando apenas erro que esta indisponivel

me ajude por favor


Certain maintenance is being doing at Wordpress installer system. It will over soon.

Please clear your browser cache and try again later. We are sorry for inconvenience :sweat: