WordPress site is showing 404 error

I have created WordPress site before but now I just tried website builder and I don’t know that I published the website builder now my WordPress site is not working it is showing 404eror now what to do sir, I want my WordPress site back.


And I parked the domain of my
But I dont know it is working or not … Now I am unable to access my site.

Hi @Dilip619

Your website is up again! :wink:

Hi Sir , how are you…, my website again down… Vanished. What to do now sir. …

Clear your browser cache and reload

Works fine for me

Sir this is the problem, this is website builder but my WordPress site has gone after I save website builder, I forgot to create another website and I created in the same website of mine. Now I need my WordPress site not this website builder…

Sir please fix it quickly

Our developers are working on it. :slightly_smiling_face:

If you need a quick solution, i would like to suggest you to upgrade to premium in this black friday week.


Sir , i will really upgrade to your premium web hosting, not one , many more websites will host on your website shortly , I am starting consultancy firm please give me some time , within few days I will host many websites I am still learning few things that’s why i am trying all the things.

Please solve my problem shortly, in few days my learning will be completed . then I will start it.

Thanks for the help , I will really join your hosting only because I like your responses and I got hope that in future any problem occurs you will really help me …

Please solve my issue now …

Thank you…

Hi @Dilip619!

You can’t have a Wordpress site and a Zyro one on the same website. Give me a minute to dish things out.

I have backed up the Zyro site and restored the Wordpress system.

Please clear your browser cache and try browsing your website again. :wink: