ZIP whole site files in Archived Status

I recently have free account, for test my php learning code in free 000webhost. But today i get shock, After long time not login to my 000webhost, my account get blocked. How to restore archived site status? because i has trying with no luck. :frowning:

No problem if finally my account can’t re-opened from blocked status, and also my site can’t be restored from archived status, but at less please help me about how to get zip files from my archived site in public_html directory. Thats my first learning code, i really need it…

My site url is:

Any suggest and help would be appreciated,

Can you try now? :slight_smile:

I’ve opened a ticket regarding this.

Hi there the developer has replied that

Sorry but nothing can be done for teloletproject .
No data for it exists anymore, and the domain name can’t be reused.
It’s not possible to whitelist this domain name, so the user should create a new one.

Best taking regular backups in future or upgrading to a service that offers automatic backups.