Please help: Parked my domain the linked to newly created

Hi Again,

I found manual dns settings for my ISP and they also do not let my website load properley. As before it only goes to the migration page. Of course when i re add another local isp’s dns settings loads properley? Please explain why this is so.

Thank you.


@sunit2 Its DNS propagation issue…some times it take time.
Your website is still working fine.

I suggest use google dns.

Hi akhilkumar332,

Thanks for the quick reply and suggestion.
So will other internet users have similar problems like I have had when they go to or just internet users that use the same ISP and this ISP’s dns servers?

Thank you again.


Others can access your website without any issue.

Issue is just for you…but if you clear your browser cache and data, then it should be fine.

That’s why i recommend to use google dns, it resolves quickly and show up your website.

Hi akhilkumar332,

I do a flush of dns after making dns changes each time and clear the browser cache and data but when on my isp dns it never loads into my website. I will use Google DNS as you have suggested. Will it eventually work with my ISP’s DNS servers?

Thank you again.


Yes, google dns can work with any ISP.

Follow the google dns tutorial as suggested above.

Hi again akhilkumar332,

I am sorry I meant will I ever be able to use my own ISP’s dns servers to go to
Will it ever work using them instead of google’s dns servers? Not that I need to go back to using them I am just curius.

Thanks so much,


Yes you can using your default ISP dns…but it takes some time. Depends on you ISP dns that how fast it resolves.

Hi akhilkumar332,

Thank you for helping with these problems.


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Any issues post back or PM me :slight_smile: