000WebHost Android App

I’m sure this has been thought of before but I’ve done some rough designs and planning towards a possible Android application for managing your 000WebHost Account.
If you are interested by this concept please cast your vote upon the joined poll. If I get a reasonable (roughly 30+) votes I’ll get to work on it.

Obviously I will need to work closely with 000WebHost to create a Web API. Although it shouldn’t take too long.

[U]For Developers[/U]

The idea is:
HTML5 & CSS3 Android app
JSON API on 000WebHost

If nobody else feels like helping with this then it’ll end up being powered by the open sourced PhoneGap.
But what I want to do is work with the people of 000WebHost to make this!

If you know much about any of these:
Android SDK, HTML5, CSS3, JSON and JQuery
Please contact ExnnTech[at]gmail[dot]com

I’ll also need at least 1 Java dev to help or I’ll never get this done!

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Love the way nobody jumps out of their seats to respond…

I’d indeed love to have an android app, or at least a mobile version for 000webhost’s CP.
I do also believe that there is a lot of work that needs to be done, e.g. for the captcha, I’m not sure tho :wink:

As for this making an app out of this, you could use the Android webview and load a website?

But if I were to do that I’d just be making a rubbish browser?? :smiley:


And just make the website with back buttons and just make it epic ;D

Anyway, how are you thinking of doing it?

Making an API on 000WebHost’s network providing the JSON for our app.
The app will interpret the JSON, providing our core. The rest will be the difficult part, I am fairly new to the Android developer world.

I’ve setup a connection to 000webhost using php, this allows for a user to logon to the 000webhost account, and fetch the domains hosted on that account.

It also checks wether the session has timed out.

The hard part will probably be uploading/updating files and such?

Ola, eu não estou conseguindo configurar e colocar no ar meu site.
Desconfio que falte alguma coisa no site que eu fiz.
E estou completamente perdido no configuração admin do ooowebhost.

Well, it doesn’t seem like a lot of people are acctually working on anything, so here we have a little start from me:

(Click to view original size)

First thing to note is that IF I should get bored with this project, I’ll give out the source for it so others may continue with it.

Secondly is that when I finish the project an android webview app will get uploaded with this app, just to have something up-running.

Thirdly, I will be making an API that outputs XML, JSON and/or plaintext version of all the data that this (my) website is fetching so others may use my website to make their own app/website easily.
The data requires the Email and Password aswell. (as everything is fetched from 000webhost on-the-fly)

And lastely (as for now) is that I might consider making an upload/post API aswell.

The website will be free to use, but ads may be displayed at the bottom of the website after login (when the website is finished).
This is to cover up the domain and host.
When the cost for the domain and host is covered, the adverts might get disabled.

The API will mainly be free-to-use, but with limitations, a limit-free API will be available some day.

It might seem spooky to enter login details on an unofficial website, so for this, bear in mind that I am an volunteer staff, so if I really wanted, I could access your website without the password, but though the Volunteer Control Panel.

No data is saved locally, so there are no way of downloading user-data if the website get hacked.

up up up up up up

It’s hard to believe that only 10 people wants an 000webhost CP application.
I bet there are more than 10 people using their phone to e.g. take a backup, make new accounts, logging in just to login etc.

Very nice! Checking this out and will probably try this too.

How is this project coming along? There is probably not a lot of demand for an android app, because, the control panel seems to work fine in the android web browser; at least it does in my android 2.3.3 samsung straightalk. An official app would be nice though. Also, I am an android programmer and would like to check out that code if you are making it public.


Android? If it doesn’t have an Apple on the back…

Not a bad idea, would be helpful to check our webmail on the go…