000webhost DNS servers not propagating?

Hi there.

I have a site like mysite.000webhostapp.com and a domain on Godaddy.

I pointed the DNS servers at Godaddy to the 000webhost DNS servers, and it worked. Next day now, and the domain won’t access anymore, and looking up DNS propagation shows that it only appers on ~10% of DNS servers worldwide.

Any reason why it worked yesterday but not anymore?

I was using the Goddady DNS server initialy, but only www.mysite.com worked, not mysite.com. Changing to 000webhost DNS servers appeared to fix that, but now it won’t work anymore with either of them.


You are correct. Only cname record option will work. We are making changes for naked domains to work. For now please use goddady nameservers and point cname record to website name.

Naked domains and nameservers will work when panel will have domain parking option.

Gotcha, thank you. Will revert back no Godaddy nameservers.

this is a temporary issue and will be solved in nearest future

Thank you. Any clue if there will be some e-mail or notification when that change occurs?

Aditionaly, any tip to mask domains? I selected that option on Godaddy from the beggining, but after going to www.mysite.com the url appears as mysite.000webhostapp.com. A Wordpress setting, maybe? Or just not supported?


New section “My parked domains” will appear in panel.

And second question is yes, this is wordpress setting. You need to change wp config file. more info in this tutorial

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This problem was fixed with the above responses.

DNS propagating is now complete, and the second fix fixed the domain within Wordpress.

Thank you.