000webhost is not allowing download of PDF at my site


I uploaded a pdf (177 kb) and linked to it from a new page, but when I click on the link in the browser, it redirects me to 000webhost.com. I zipped the file, because I have another zip file at another page that downloads without a hitch, but it failed again. Is there a new block on the downloading files? I have never had this problem before.

Thanks for any help you might give.


What is your website/pdf file?


the file now is a zip, but it still doesn’ work.


Is your file on the server for sure? Like does it appear through FTP client or File Manager?


Doesn’t seem to exist when I try to retrieve it via a file manager.

Yes, it is. I use Cyberduck as a FTP client and it shows both the pdf and the zip file at the correct folder: patchworld. That’ why I’m confused it’s not working. I even updated the page to add both the pdf and zip links to show neither works.

James, forget it. I realized the problem. The file name was captalized (***F***orcebound), but the link wasn’t (***f***orcebound). I don’t know why I did that. Anyway, it’ working now.



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Haha no worries :stuck_out_tongue: