Bad Request when using site from mobile

I am using 000webhost site for showing data from my database. My webhost domain is pointed to my .tk domain.

The main site searches for data in the db which matches with data entered in text box(via a post request) and shows it.

It works as expected from desktop browsers, but when using mobile chrome browser it’s always giving error such as this. Bad Request, Your browser sent a request that this server could not understand

Can anyone enlighten me on what’s wrong ?

@CaptV0rt3x What browser do you use? Can you try using some other browser.

@akhilkumar332 thanks for the fast reply.
I was using Chrome for Android. I’ve tested my site with Mozilla Firefox and suprisingly it works. What might be the cause for chrome to fail ?

Can you clear your chrome browser app cache and data by going to application settings in your android phone.
This should fix your issue with chrome showning “BAD REQUEST” error. :slight_smile:

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I tried your suggestion, but it doesn’t fix the issue on chrome. It’s not a huge issue for me as I have alternative browsers, but i wonder what actually causes this issue on chrome.

I was hasty. It works. I only cleared the cache, after clearing the data it worked. Thanks for the help.

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Let know if you’ve any other issue :slight_smile: