Banners/ads disrupts my web site

Hello all,

Since few day, i have some Banners/ads on my web site. You can see a snapshoot below :

(see that the “No banners and ads” is funny :wink: )
These banners/ads make trouble in some part of the website.

i see a post about that in this forum who say that if i don’t access since a long time to my cpanel, banners and ads are add in my website.
I access yesterday to my cpanel and today i have the same problem.

i have close the access to the website for the time of the problem. if you want an access for help me say to me.

Can you help me for remove these Banners and ads?


Can you tell us the name of the domain / subdomain of your website? Meanwhile you can try to clear your browser cache

Thank you for the speed of your reply.

i have clear the cache in the web browser and the cache in wordpress.
No change…

You can access to the web site with this URL :

I close the access to the web site the time of the problem.
If you want an access send me an PM.

The servers are synched at some point every weekend so the ads should be gone then.

The MP is not working for me in this forum. You will have to follow the instructions and advice from Shock.

I will see next week and make a report here.

thank you for the reply.

OK, it’s work!
i wort in IT, i will talk about you.