CNAME Record for

Off the top of my head I can’t quite remember what the code from google looks like, it should say in the instructions that google gives somewhere, it says “you will find these settings in DNS zone editor or advanced zone editor” something like that; but with 000webhost you only need the one piece of information to go in MX records, looks a bit like this -

it’s, it says wait for 24hours okie I’ll wait for 24hrs.

You need to be able to change the CNAME with 000webhost but they don’t allow that with the free account you need to upgrade. There is a work around for it though just follow the instructions I provide.

  1. In your 000webhost account create two sub domains named “mail” & “calendar” this should create the corresponding folders in the root of your website.
  2. In each of your sub domain folders create an index.php file.
  3. In the mail index.php file put the following code, but replace the URL with the URL for your Google apps mail address…


  1. In the calendar index.php file put the following code, but replace the URL with the URL for your Google apps calendar address…


Once you complete that your sub domain addresses, “” “” should now work.

Thanks anthgav, tried with your method and it works. +1 karma

no problem glad I could help! :smiley:

thx a lot anthgav…i’ve got headache to set my domain( to 000webhost and gmail apps, if i use zone record on my domain, then i cant access my website but good with email, and if i use name server on my domain, then i cant access my email but good with website, then i use your advice and it both works well

Thx a lot

*sorry for my english

works like a charm. +1 karma :wink:

Thanx for this, going to try now, this is great,
can you provide the code for google docs too?
silly question, I made it myself:
Google docs

In premium account are these sub-domains like this or vary?