Concrete5: Unable to connect to database


I’ll start off by saying i’m not a pro at sql databases and stuff, but I know the basics.

My issue is pretty simple, but I have no idea what is causing it.

So, I extracted concrete5 to my domain, two different older versions that are compatible with 000webhost’s PHP version.
That went well, on to the installation.
I created a database called username_c5 , and created the user username_c5u for it.
in the concrete5 setup, whenever I enter these details (100% sure they’re correct, tried dozens of times, typing and copying) i just get the error message “Unable to connect to database” , but the database opens up perfectly fine when I go to phpMyAdmin from cPanel. What could the problem be? i tried with two different concrete5 versions, and even reinstalled them a few times with no luck.

Hope someone knows what could be causing this, or could help me find the cause.

Thanks in advance!

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Hi, I faced the same problem when installing wordpress. But now i solved this problem by changing my php version from 7.0 to 5.6
to change the php version, you have to log in your 000webhost account. Then go to “manage website” link to manage your hosting account. Then go to general setting from setting tab which is situated upper-right side of your control panel. From there, scroll down and you will see an option to change your php version bellow password section. From there change your php version to 5.6 or something you like.
Hope your problem will solve now.
Thank you for reading.

Make sure you are copying the ID as well on the username and db name. Should say id12345_yourusername.