Directed strato domain to 000webhost

Hi everybody,

A couple of monts ago, I bought a domain for 1$ from strato.Now I wwant to use my domain name at 000webhost. However I have a problem I cant change strato nameserver and Cname.I can only change subdomains’ ns and cname. But if I can learn ip address of , I can change the ip address of strato . In forum, I read the something like that you can learn your ip from view account details.I cant find it.So what should I do to directed my domain to 000webhost.

It is difficult to find out the exact IP address, as 000webhost uses balancers in order to handle all the traffic.

And as far as I know, direct IP access is not allowed on 000webhost for security reasons.

Please post some screenshots with your registrar cPanel on NameServers section.

Ok, I created subdomain to change nameserver and cname.I got an error again.
This is for nameserver

If these are not my nameserver how can I find my own. When read the forum I found this

Our nameservers can be found by logging on to our members’ area, entering your control panel and navigating to ‘View Account Details’. After you have updated nameservers of your domain, it will start working (pointing our server) in 24 - 48 hours. You will see message ‘Your website is up and running’ after visiting your domain.

this is for cname

I am figure out :confused:

Have you tried adding a CNAME entry for the primary domain?

Yes I tried as you can see from the pic from above. If it is not the way help me to add a cname.I’m not experienced

No… You tried to add a CNAME redirect from cognitoloji subdomain, not from cagriemreakin domain.

Have you tried adding a CNAME entry for the primary domain cagriemreakin?

No I cant add cname or nameserver for It is not permitted from strato

I don’t know. How registrars handle the NSs/CNAMEs is out of 000webhost’s control anyway.

  1. Please ask your registrar to update your NSs to NS01.000WEBHOST.COM and NS02.000WEBHOST.COM.

  2. Then go to cPanel > Set web address > Add domain > Park domain > input domain address

  3. Wait, as DNS propagation time can take up to 24 hours.