DNS Zone Edit PENDING for very long

Hello Community Members,

Currently my site is not showing up. My Domain is up and pointing to 000webhost DNS, I am able to access all the files via cpanel but not ftp and it appears that DNS Zone Edit status is pending. I tried resetting DNS but no luck.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Have a nice day!

What is your website address please?

Here is my website address: http://suryakiranboyshostel.com.np/

Are you using the new control panel or the old control panel?

Do your have another link to give like hostel.000webhostapp.com or such?

I am unaware about cPanel version and I dont have any other links as you mentioned other then subdomain blockb.suryakiranboyshostel.com.np and is the IP of the primary website.

When you login to the control panel what is the status of the website>?

Status of my website is active. Here is a screenshot of the information from my cpanel.

I’m having the exact same issue. Did a DNS Zone Reset and my account is stuck in pending for a week now. Account is active but website not showing up.

Can you visit your 000webhost control panel and confirm the new instructions that will appear while trying to park your domain.

Logged in to 000webhost control panel, which redirected me into new cpanel setup, went through all the instruction. parked and linked my domain and now my website is up and running.

Thanks @James . Appreciate your help.

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