Duda sobre el "Hosting Gratis"

Hola, muy buenas a todos.

Mi pregunta es hasta cuanto tiempo me darán si me registro con el Hosting Gratis ya que he estado en otro alojamiento gratis y cuando me registre empecé a desarrollar una pagina web y al cabo de un año me lo cerraron sin aviso alguno.

Mientras cumplas lo que diga en los terminos y servicios tendras hosting gratis para siempre. :grinning:

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Hi @dohan!

000webhost has been intended to be a free hosting provider for web developers and students, to test their skills and give them an opportunity to see how cloud hosting actually works.

The suspension of your website depends entirely on your project and its needs. We usually suspend websites which are overloading our server resources, those which are violating our Terms of Service, and those which are somehow violating the mission of our service. However we will never suspend any website without your knowledge. After suspension, you will receive a warning e-mail and you have usually up to 30 days to contact us on this forum and lift the suspension before your website content gets deletes.

If I may ask, what is your project about.

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