Error 502 / Bad Gateway

Hi, I just set up a new account and tried to install Wordpress build. The UI said it installed fine, but when I tried to hit the admin panel I got “502 Bad Gateway nginx” error.


Both give me that error. Any assistance will be appreciated.

Hmm will investigate now :confused:

Thanks for the quick response!

Currently experiencing the following:

  1. Was able to log in the admin panel via Chrome browser and set up another test user within WP.
  2. Opened an incognito window and got hte 502 again tried difference browsers (ff/ie) got the same error. Tried to clear cache in Chrome, and it still worked, while the other browsers are getting the 502

Hmmm, can you try now?

Hello! my site didn’t work! When I try to access I get the message below:

502 Bad Gateway

Thank you in advance,


Odd shall investigate now.

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Since you have virtually no content it would be safe to go to General Settings and browse down and hit reset or delete and recreate sorry.

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I have not been able to reach the below website for the last 3 hours with a 502 bad gateway error

The problem has been fixed!

Please clear your browser cache and try it now :slight_smile: