Forgot Email to Login to Old Members Area

I had an account associated with the old members login. I’m currently trying to make the switch from the old cpanel area to the new set up. However, I’ve forgotten the email address associated with the account.

These were the domains on the account:

buccoobeach. com

buccoobeachfacility. com

Would it be possible to be sent the email address for the old account please? I need to backup my files and transfer it. Thank you!

Hi @pandasky!

The old cPanel is no longer available. Your account details have already been migrated to the new area:

Your e-mail address is the same as the one from this forum account.

If your websites from the old cPanel have not been suspended already, you should see a notice at the end of cPanel such as this one:

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Thank you for your response! I saw the notification but it comes up for a site I already transferred.

buccoobeach. com and buccoobeachfacility. com does not come up when I click the archived notice. I get a time out message when I try to visit buccoobeach. com.

buccoobeachfacility .com redirects me to the 000webhost page with the following message:
‘Since May 1, 2017 your website should be switched to new members area. If you still need your website follow instructions below.’

Is there really no way to access the files of those websites?

Nope, the old panel is removed from 000webhost.

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