How does website stats work?

I have copied the code supplied to several pages and I get a counter displayed which shows the number of page views but I cannot access any of the other advertised features.

Cpanel has two entries Website Stats and Stats Tracking Code both just give the Stats Tracking Code I cannot see any way to access more data.

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I just found out that clicking the site visior link takes me to a stats page if I enter my domain name but it does not show any stats, I just found a message ‘CSRF check failed. Please try submitting your form again.’ hidden on the stats page. So the question now is why does CSRF fail?

The same to me… Someone will help us? Thank you.

It seems that nobody else uses the site stats, or it works for them. Looks like not much help will be given.

With the number of problems getting basic stuff to work reliably and the amount of spam on the forum I am thinking of moving my site to Hostinger, at least they have php that is up to date and a load of software ready to install.