How to use 000webhost

Hey guys!

I am new to this site and have registered. How do I start uploading my files as I have not received my information from 000webhost such as ftp or mysql informations?

Hello @piao0011

Welcome to 000webhost and we are happy to have you as our user. You need to first create a website and get information such as FTP and others.

Just login to the Cpanel and start building.

I forgot but how much is the disk space and bandwidth for this free servce? I am thinking about doing a online piano site and I would like to know roughly how many users this can take? Also, where can I go to upload mysql database?

I have just created my database and just can’t login… I tried changing the password a few times but it didn’t work… how long does the password have to be?

Are we also allowed to leave questions about coding here? such as getting help with php coding?

Click phpMyAdmin to login to database…

Thanks…I am also just wondering if you guys know of any other free webhosting sites?

Also, I am trying to export my database but got the following message on my localhost:

It is always asking me how would I want to open this file? This is weird because it should allow me to just save the exported file correct?

.sql file can be opened with Notepad.

Thanks… appreciate the assistance here… Can I leave questions here with regard to php? I am trying to get my paypal ipn simulator to work and have been following a tutorial but can’t get it to work…

Yeah sure no worries hopefully someone can assist.

Cheers… how active is this site? I just hope that I don’t have to wait too long for a response… cheers!

Activeish people check in occasionally :joy:
See stackoverflow forums as well