I can't using my FTP account

I can’t using my FTP account. Please help me

@Landever Seems like temporary isssue, can you try again in sometime and see if it helps.

I trying 30 minutes for connect everyday

Can you change your password and then try again.

Okey thank you im trying

Also try from other devices too. Like from PC/Laptop

I havent PC/Laptop.

I changed my password but its still same

I connected with no problem before a week.

FTP working fine on my side.

Can you try from different app.
or try over mobile data.

I have same problem right now. Browser File Manager did not work also.

I already tried it from diffrent app and mobile data

File Manager loaded, but with long delay

I’m still can’t connecting…

Please help me Im still cant connecting.

Our developers have been notified and are fixing the issue.