I paid to transfer my website to Hostinger but nothing happened!

Hi , I paid 175 USD via Visa to transfer my website to Hostinger. But when I opened the website. the brand of 000webhost still there!! and they ask me to upgrade the account to premium if I want to remove that brand !!
also the ad that is appears on wordpress panel about transferring the website to hostinger still appears which it looks like that i did not buy any hosting !!!
the only thing i got is a domain name https://3core.co
please help ,

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I got this message
The email or password you entered is not correct, please try again.
, I used the same email and password of 000webhost cpanel


Seems you have misunderstand about how 000webhost and hostinger works.

000webhost is a free platform (There isn’t any paid plans)
Hostinger is the paid platform.

If you have paid, then you should have log into hostinger with your email. Please log into hostinger (use the link above) with that email.

If you can’t remember the password, you can try forgot password option.

thanks sir, I logged in successfully.
could you please guide me how can I transfer the website and the domain from 000webhost to hostinger !

I got this message from hostinger !!!
Help Desk is not enabled for free clients. To enable Help Desk, purchase any of our paid plans.
so I paid the 175 USD to get what ?
please help ,

We are really sorry for the late reply.

Log into your account in hostinger… then you will see a button in the right corner which has a messaging icon as following


Click on it and contact hostinger live support. Then ask them to transfer your 000webhost app to hostinger. They will do it for you :wink:

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they’re asking me to pay first to be able to contact with the help center. they said , not available for free clients !!

Do you have screenshots of that? :slight_smile:


they redirect me to that page that is appearing in the screenshot

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Uhm, not this icon should show, can you try hitting CTRL+F5? The intercom chat icon should appear. 20180304_181319

I tried sir, and nothing happened. I am also wondering why they are considering my account as free though I paid already !

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I’m getting in touch with them, they’re fixing that :slight_smile:

What is your hostinger email please? :slight_smile:

Sorry for the late…

And the invoice number/ID?