Uploaded video on site not showing

Hi, I created my site and uploaded a video
However it does not play at all and in the main site,
The video should be playing, however, it doesn’t even work.

Is there any reason the video does not play/work?

Thank You

EDIT: Ok, for some reason, when I uploaded using File Manager 2 my video did not work. I reuploaded the video using FTP FileZilla and it works perfectly.

Although, before my code looked like this:
> <source src="databasePerfectComplete.mp4" id="database" type="video/mp4">
This did not work, afterwards I edited it and made it this:

> <source src="http://rvmt.comxa.com/databasePerfectComplete.mp4" id="database" type="video/mp4">

Then it works fine. I’ll leave this up incase someone else encounters a similar problem.

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