Urgent login ftp

.000webhostapp.com would you please show example of what login looks like.
would it be something like
Host: files.000webhost.com (or is my information included
username: I created but does .000webhostapp.com go with it?
password: XXXXXX

I can get files to load but I can’t seem to get them to come up on the web. It keeps loading my local

Head to http://000webhost.com and login then hit your site then general settings all FTP information is displayed.

host: files.000webhost.com
user: is user from user.000webhostapp.com
password :xyz changeable via general settings page
port: 21

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Thanks so much and this will work for web hosting? I don’t want to build a web site

I’m unsure what you mean, you aren’t allowed just to use the hosting for files no :confused: