Using webhost


is it possible to use 000webhost for PHP/MYSqL using my Client Application?


Well, what exactly does you application do? PHP and MYSQL are enabled, so if thats all it requires, itll work.

My Application do work with mobile phone i am planning to use the 000webhost as server using php/mysql for storing data/credits etc…

is this ok?



External connections to MySQL server are disabled, so I’m not sure if it will fit your needs.

it will work because i will use php script to connect in MySQL. anyway, i made account but it was deleted. i register this site:

I think it works perfect. If you php can connect with phone then there is no problem accessing mysql.

It’s possible you created site for mobile phones only. Sites hosted on must be standard sites

Ok. Anyway, is there any chances to restore back my registered website?


I’m sorry, but terminated accounts could not be restored

Ok thanks. i am trying to register but it says my email was already use. do i need to make new email then :frowning:

Each new user must have unique email, so yes, you will need to use another email

Ah ok, i am going to register again.

Thanks for the time sir.

Best Regards,

No problems :slight_smile:


why again my account is deleted? ?? whats the problem :confused:

but i received email:

Your account has been checked and approved by the system administrator. Domain is now active.
We are sorry for inconveniences it may caused and thank you for patience.


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