Where do I find my Auto-Installer(Fantabulous/Softaculous) in cPanel?

Hello, first of all sorry if posting on wrong area.

I joined 000webhost recently. But I’m familiar with operating the cPanel. I saw the Auto-Installer feature mentioned in the homepage. I was set to my cPanel. But I couldnt find any auto-installer. I think other users had that in their contol panel Well I can install stuffs manually through ftp. But as mentioned, Why I could not find it on my Control Panel. It was mentioned “Free Web Hosting with Cpanel Fantastico/Softaculous Auto Installer!”

Is that missing for me or it remains in someother name or i_t is in build stage_? Please help me. Thanks in Advance.


There is no plan to enable Fantastico auto installer at 000webhost.

You will find Zyro website builders in your CPanel that you can use with free hosting, but you can upload any CMS that not violate TOS by using FTP client or file manager and then do the install after you uploaded.

When you list you account in member area you will see the icon for CPanel. That is our custom build CPanel that we offered for free hosting

If you are looking for the paid version of the CPanel you need to upgrade to paid hosting.

Upgrade to paid hosting to get several auto-installer available to use including fantastico

Source: https://www.000webhost.com/fantastico

On the page listed above, I found the quote in the following text to be quite misleading.

“**Free Web Hosting with Cpanel Fantastico/Softaculous Auto Installer! Softaculous/Fantastico is one of the great **
**features of our free webhosting Cpanel area. It allows you to install **
**the most popular PHP scripts on your website with a click of a button. **
**If you want to improve your website with a discussion forum, blog or an **
**online gallery to show everyone your latest holidays with Cpanel **
**Fantastico or Softaculous Auto Installers, you can! Just choose what **
website engine (Wordpress, Joomla, e-commerce…), script or forum board
** you want to install on our free webhosting servers and Fantastico / **
**Softaculous auto installers will do all for you. Build your websites **
**easily, with no worries or any other coding knowledge. The following **
scripts are available for one-click installation:

The quote in question is the following:
"**Free Web Hosting with Cpanel Fantastico/Softaculous Auto Installer! Softaculous/Fantastico is one of the great **
features of our free webhosting Cpanel area."
Among that line of text, there are many buttons beside the header titles “Blogs, Customer Support, and Image Galleries” that read “Sign Up for Free”

This is current as the credits on the bottom of the webpage display copyright of 2016.
That early on indicates that the service is part of the free version of the web hosting Cpanel as it says.
However, the Cpanel lacks that option. I do believe that either the website I cited above needs to be amended and clarified that the user must upgrade to access those features or the auto installer service needs to become enabled for all free users. If neither of which occurs, this may open up 000webhost to possible legal action and I’m only offering my opinion on the matter.
Many Thanks!
A friendly 000webhost user since 2009.

Edit!!! I also noticed on the upgrade page of 000webhost the following.
The features listed under the FREE column, SCRIPT AUTO INSTALLER row, include roughly ten scripts that we don’t have access to.

That is outdated information.

There is no plan to enable Fantastico auto installer at 000webhost.