Why was my site nauticasport.com.ar deleted?

Please start again my site!!!
Visit your website: nauticasport.com.ar
Access control panel at: http://members.000webhost.com/ (login with your email and password)

*** General Account Details ***
Domain: nauticasport.com.ar
IP Address: *****
Username: a3504031
Password: ****/

When was the last time you logged in?

Is your site active?

What does the control panel state when you login?

Please give me back my old archives!!!

I installed wordpress again on a new account but I can not recover my previous backup files.
I’m desperate and worried

I have to do all the design work on wordpress again???

What does the CONTROL PANEL state once logged in?

First I entered my site and there was no more (nauticasport.com.ar)
When I login today morning to my control panel the status was: create your new website!.
Worried I install wordpress again and requested a new user.
I create “nauticasport” user again.
But my previous website has gone :frowning: .

So what happens when you hit this link https://www.000webhost.com/cpanel-login?to=old

Make sure you aren’t already logged into 000webhost.com

It is very possible that your account was being migrated and that is why you couldn’t see your account; I wouldn’t have remade the site I would have just left it to see if it would appear after the migration.

If you hadn’t logged into your account in a WHILE like super long to be considered inactive - instead of migrating it may have deleted the account.

Login to the link above firstly.